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Two2 Brothers

Premium Quality Rice

Water Conservancy

Guyana, means “land of many waters".
Throughout the populated coastal plain and part of the interior highlands, there is a system of drainage and irrigation canals that feed shallow reservoirs, known as “conservancies,” that are designed to provide primarily irrigation water and secondarily other water needs. The gift of water nourishes and sustains all living things

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Conservancies are shallow reservoirs of varying sizes, fed by streams and canals, offering a consistent supply of water year-round and some flood control. Each of the major townships along the coast has a conservancy, and each conservancy is governed by a board of commissioners.

Why A Water Conservancy

"Conservancy" is the local name given to a large expanse of land, limited downstream by an low earthen dam, which retains the water for use primarily in irrigation.Typically, a conservancy has a number of relief structures (sluices, or "kokers""), which are designed to release flood waters in times of heavy floods when the reservoir fills up and the embankment is at risk of impending overtopping

  • Sustainable cropping.
  • Development of irrigation control
  • Minimizes dependency on rainfall during cultivation
  • Refreshing are where you relax out of the heat of the day
  • Tourism, lets take a ride along the massive expanse of fresh water together

Fresh Irrigation Water

  • Two2 Brothers Rice Milling Complex Inc. Track "M" Vergenoegen, East Bank Essequibo, Guyana, South America
  • Phone: +(592) 260 1002
  • Phone: +(592) 666 7654
  • Fax: +(592) 260 1002
  • Email: info@two2brothersrice.com

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